The Loudoun Laurels Foundation Seeks Nominations for 2022 Laureates

The Loudoun Laurels Foundation is seeking nominations for 2022 Laureates. Nominations are due May 1, 2022. The 2022 Laureates will be announced on or before June 1, 2022.

Our Mission

The Loudoun Laurels Foundation is committed to honoring exceptional community service for the benefit of Loudoun County Citizens and to developing future civic leaders through scholarships and mentorships.

Loudoun Laurels 2022 Gala

The 2022 Loudoun Laurels Gala will be held on
September 30, 2022, at Lansdowne Resort.

To sponsor the Gala:

Our Sponsors

We wish to express our deep appreciation to our 2021 Gala Sponsors:



